Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral
<h2>Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral </h2> <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <p><strong>Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral </strong>is a place for publication of research results in the realm of Christian and Pastoral theology, as well as issues related to the available scope. Has the ISSN number: 2657-0777 (print), 2723-2751 (online) published periodically twice a year (June and December) by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene Jakarta.</p> </div> </div>Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene Jakarta.en-USVox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral 2657-0777Goliat Sang Pahlawan Filistin: Re-Reading 1 Samuel 17 Dalam Perspektif Pascakolonial
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The fight between David and Goliath is a metaphor used to describe the unequal confrontation between a small power and a large power. This fight shows David's courage and resilience amidst physical injustice and an imbalance of power. As a result, Goliath is depicted as a strong figure because he has a large body, while David is the opposite. This stereotype influences the perception of men with large bodies. This research seeks to discuss the stigma of masculinity experienced by men who have large bodies. Masculinity, even hypermasculinity, is sometimes a stigma attached to the self-image of large men who convey an aggressive and oppressive impression. For men with large bodies, the result of patriarchal standards becomes gender violence which also paralyzes men. Departing from postcolonial criticism which emphasizes the relationship between domination and subordination, this article examines and re-question the reader's position in seeing the character Goliath affected by the stigma of masculinity in his battle with David. Through text analysis methods, the author tries to reconstruct the reading of 1 Samuel 17 by describing the battle of Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, with David who represented the Israelites. This article finds that Goliath's large body was not his strength, but rather a source of weakness. In this way, this article breaks down the stigma of hypermasculinity attached to large men. Awareness of violence that does not look at gender, presents an inclusive reading full of new meaning for Goliath, the reader and the current context.</em></p>Oktovionaldi Bala Limbong
Copyright (c) 2024 Oktovionaldi Bala Limbong
2024-06-292024-06-295111410.46408/vxd.v5i1.482“Perempuan Asing” Dalam Amsal 2:16, 5:20, 6:24, 7:5 Dan 23:27
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This phrase "strange woman" appears several times in the Book of Proverbs and is problematic. Some translate it as a seductress, a bitch, a woman who has an affair, and as a wicked woman. Interestingly, all these interpretations of the phrase have negative connotations in the context. If so, why is this phrase always associated with negativity? What is the true meaning of this phrase? There seems to be a research gap in discussing this phrase, which is the main reason for the author to provide a specific and comprehensive interpretation of the phrase "foreign woman" and its implications for women today. Based on the qualitative method with sub interpretative design, especially wisdom literature hermeneutics, this study found that, there are five important meanings that explain the phrase "strange woman," namely, a woman who is unfaithful to the covenant with God, a woman who does not honor marriage, a harlot, a seductress, and a wicked woman. The implication of this study is a reference and warning for women to build the right character and become wise women so that they can be exemplary as good mothers and wives.</em></p>Aska Aprilano PattinajaFarel Yosua Sualang
Copyright (c) 2024 Aska Aprilano Pattinaja, Farel Yosua Sualang
2024-06-292024-06-2951153610.46408/vxd.v5i1.494Kusta dalam Lensa Teologi dan Medis: Pemahaman Interdisipliner dari Imamat 13
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Modern medical literature reveals that leprosy is a treatable disease and not easily contagious. In contrast, theological literature, especially from biblical texts, often views leprosy as a symbol of sin and impurity, reinforcing social stigma against sufferers. This study combines theological and medical perspectives to provide a more comprehensive understanding of leprosy, focusing on Leviticus 13. Using descriptive qualitative methods and a literature review, this research analyzes various sources. The results indicate that ancient theological views of leprosy as divine punishment have perpetuated enduring social stigma. Meanwhile, modern medical perspectives offer scientific explanations that emphasize leprosy as a treatable medical condition, helping to reduce this stigma. This study suggests concrete steps to reduce stigma, such as community education, social integration of leprosy sufferers, empathy training for healthcare workers, and psychosocial support. This research not only enhances understanding of leprosy from historical and theological viewpoints but also provides practical ways to address social stigma and support the reintegration of leprosy sufferers into society.</em></p>Kumoro AdiatmoSimon SimonSteven Tommy Dalekes Umboh
Copyright (c) 2024 Kumoro Adiatmo, Simon Simon, Steven Tommy Dalekes Umboh
2024-06-292024-06-2951375210.46408/vxd.v5i1.550Partenogenesis? Tinjauan Teologis dan Sains Tentang Kelahiran Yesus dari Seorang Perawan Maria
<p>This research aims to conduct an in-depth study of claims about the birth of Jesus from a virgin, which is thought to have occurred through the process of parthenogenesis. In Christian tradition, the birth of Jesus from Mary is considered a miracle involving the concept of birth without human fertilization. By using descriptive qualitative methods through an interdisciplinary approach that includes hermeneutics (text analysis and science), this research tries to reveal whether parthenogenesis is a scientific possibility that can explain the birth of Jesus. This research method involves textual analysis of the birth narrative of Jesus in the New Testament, as well as scientific examination of the possible process of parthenogenesis in human reproduction. The results of the theological and scientific analysis will be evaluated to determine to what extent the claim of Jesus' virgin birth is acceptable from the perspective of faith and science. The results of this research show that the event of Jesus' birth can be called parthenogenesis if the reader looks at it through a scientific lens. On the other hand, the event of Jesus' birth is the intervention of God and His Holy Spirit as an absolute thing that cannot be separated and denied and even replaced with other concepts.</p>Erastus SabdonoStephanie RombotFelix ChristianDonny Stevianus NunungStephanie Erastus
Copyright (c) 2024 Erastus Sabdono, Stephanie Rombot, Felix Christian, Donny Stevianus Nunung, Stephanie Erastus
2024-06-292024-06-2951537010.46408/vxd.v5i1.510Keselarasan Iman Dan Perbuatan Dalam Teologi Keselamatan Menurut Erastus Sabdono
<p>Salvation is a free gift from God. Such salvation has an impact on four things as emphasized by Erastus Sabdono, namely redemption, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, and God's cultivation. The fundamental issue that is often discussed around salvation is the relationship between faith and actions. Which is more important? Or are both done simultaneously? This article discusses an overview of the theological basis for the harmony of faith and works in salvation theologies. Due to the wide area of discussion, the researcher focused on the ideas of Erastus Sabdono. The research method used by researchers to explore this is literature study of books and journals as well as direct interviews with Erastus Sabdono. The research results show that Erastus Sabdono's theology of salvation is in line with what James 2:14-26 conveys.</p>Tang Aldi YabesYusuf Setiawan Sudarso Kusumo
Copyright (c) 2024 Tang Aldi Yabes
2024-06-292024-06-2951718610.46408/vxd.v5i1.437Strategi Pendidikan Agama Kristen Dalam Menanamkan Sikap Moderasi Beragama di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Religious moderation is an attitude and way of thinking that upholds the values of justice, balance, straightness, tolerance, priority, civility, and creativity in understanding and practicing religious teachings. Religious moderation is considered important and is one of the values that must be instilled in all students in Indonesia, including those at the Jakarta School of Ecumenical Theology. Students are seen as crucial in learning the value of religious moderation, especially in light of recent issues arising from political conflicts between Israel and Palestine, which are often linked to religion. This has become a sensitive issue that may fuel conflicts among religious communities, emphasizing the need for the frequent incorporation of moderation education. </em><em style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this research is to understand the implementation of Christian Religious Education strategies in instilling a stance of religious moderation at the Jakarta School of Ecumenical Theology. The research method employed is qualitative, utilizing observation and interview techniques. The Jakarta School of Ecumenical Theology has already instilled the values of religious moderation in lectures conducted during a single session. This serves as a specific strategy within Christian Religious Education to instill the values of religious moderation, aiming to create a harmonious and peaceful environment.</em></p>Novi Kristiani TahaleleSeli Antonia Tagu SungaBazahati LaiaYoel TriyantoWahyu A. Rini
Copyright (c) 2024 The authors
2024-06-292024-06-2951879610.46408/vxd.v5i1.486Pendekatan Konseling Pastoral Bagi Lansia Yang Mengalami Loneliness
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This article discusses the importance of a pastoral counseling approach in helping older adults who experience loneliness. Loneliness is a common social problem experienced by the elderly due to changes in the social environment and social loss that often occurs with age. Researchers used a qualitative method with a literature study approach, through journal articles, books, and internet media as data used in this study. The discussion that will be discussed is the concept of loneliness in the elderly, how pastoral counseling can be an effective approach in overcoming it. The results found are the important role of pastoral counselors in providing emotional support, providing spiritual encouragement, and building deep relationships with elderly people who feel lonely. Through this pastoral counseling approach, researchers provide three approaches, namely, 1) social support, 2) listening, 3) community services that can help elderly people who experience loneliness and find new meaning in life and improve the quality of life of the elderly.</em></p>Chalma Jenny Huberta KottaStephen ErastusSugeng SantosoJunius Michael NajoanDaniel Martin Tamera
Copyright (c) 2024 Chalma Jenny Huberta Kotta, Stephen Erastus, Sugeng Santoso, Junius Michael Najoan, Daniel Martin Tamera
2024-06-292024-06-2951Forming a Resilient Person: The Importance of Christian Education Teachers Instilling Discipline in Hyperactive Children
<p><em>This study aims to determine and analyze the role of Christian religious education teachers in instilling discipline in hyperactive children. In obtaining data, the author uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature study method. Data collection techniques are carried out through studies of reference books, journal articles, and website as reference references. The results of this study indicate that Christian religious education teachers not only contribute to the level of completing children's cognitive abilities but also holistically need to pay attention to children's overall development in terms of cognitive, affective, psychomotor and children's spirituality. Instilling discipline in hyperactive children is one way of dealing with hyperactive behavior in children so that children can be controlled and directed appropriately. The role of Christian religious education teachers in instilling discipline in hyperactive children includes: 1) Building self-control, 2) Teaching children gently, 3) Giving educational sanctions, 4) Carrying out continuous guidance. Thus, in the future, children will have better personalities and be able to interact with children in general.</em></p>Elieser MarampaHaraitoni D. SianturiKorina SanosaGibson SibaraniErny Dethan
Copyright (c) 2024 Elieser Marampa, Haraitoni D. Sianturi, Korina Sanosa, Gibson Sibarani, Erny Dethan
2024-06-302024-06-3051Pekabaran Injil di Era Digital Berdasarkan Matius 28:18-20
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami efektivitas penginjilan di era Industri 4.0, terutama dalam menjalankan amanat agung sebagaimana tercantum dalam Matius 28:18-20. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman dari sumber-sumber seperti teks Alkitab, literatur, jurnal, dan dokumen terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penginjilan dalam era Industri 4.0 memiliki potensi besar sebagai alat efektif untuk memenuhi amanat agung tersebut. Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi memungkinkan pesan Injil tersebar melalui media sosial dan platform digital, mencapai audiens yang lebih luas. Namun, pentingnya menggunakan teknologi ini secara bijaksana, dengan memperhatikan nilai-nilai kebersamaan dan keakuratan informasi, tidak bisa diabaikan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan pengembangan strategi penginjilan yang mengintegrasikan teknologi dengan nilai-nilai tersebut, guna memastikan keberhasilan dalam menjalankan amanat agung secara efektif. Dengan demikian, penggunaan teknologi haruslah diarahkan dengan bijaksana agar sesuai dengan ajaran Alkitab dan mendukung misi penginjilan dengan optimal, memastikan pesan Injil disampaikan secara efektif dan akurat kepada masyarakat yang lebih luas.</p>Kristian SukatmanAllen PangaribuanAmoli NdrahaPiter Imanson Damanik
Copyright (c) 2024 Kristian, Allen Pangaribuan, Amoli Ndraha, Piter Imanson Damanik
2024-06-292024-06-2951Religion As Subaltern Agency
<p><span lang="EN-US">This study examines the role of religion in facilitating the liberation of marginalized and oppressed groups, sometimes referred to as the subaltern. The word "subaltern," which connotes inferiority, was used by Antonio Gramsci to describe social groupings that are subjugated by the dominant ruling class. The subaltern classes primarily include individuals such as peasants, laborers, and other marginalized groups who have been systematically excluded from positions of hegemonic authority. This exclusion may be attributed to the historical focus on governments and dominant social groupings within the narrative of power dynamics. Gramsci posited that the historical trajectory of the subaltern classes has a comparable level of intricacy to that of the dominant classes. This work argues that, from Gramsci's perspective, the historical narrative of subaltern social groups is inherently fragmented and characterized by episodic occurrences. This is mostly due to the constant influence exerted by dominant groups, even in instances of rebellion. This work submits that it is evident that individuals belonging to this group possess limited opportunities to exercise agency over their own portrayal and encounter restricted access to cultural and social establishments. The cessation of subordination can only be achieved through a lasting triumph, not instantaneously.</span></p>Gregory Ajima OnahThomas Eneji OgarIbiang O. Okoi
Copyright (c) 2024 Gregori Ajimah Onah