The frequent claims made by followers of Jesus regarding His finality as the only Savior continue to be challenged by groups who speculate against such claims as do liberals and conservatives who build on subjective understanding. This has an impact on efforts to account for faith which have increasingly experienced distortion of the religiosity of faith in the past to the present. This article aims to present the finality of Jesus, as He spoke of both to groups who reject it as well as to His followers in an effort to enrich the teachings of modern Christology. The author uses qualitative methods with an exegetical approach with data collection techniques, namely reviewing the literature in order to understand the meaning of "actually I am the door to the sheep" according to the Gospel of John 10: 7. Thus, it can be concluded that Jesus openly conveyed to His listeners in order to acknowledge His finality as the only "Way of Entry" through "The Door" which is also "the Good Shepherd" and there is no other means besides. Himself. And christological understanding cannot be made based on the assumption of human subjectivity but based on the statement of Jesus himself as narrated "in fact I am the Door to the sheep".
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